
Upcoming Events
2024 SM

Board of Trustees Special Meeting: Board Development Session Part II| Sept. 16, 2024

Graphic promoting National Voter Registration Day with bold white text on a dark blue background. The word 'Voter' features a red checkmark inside the letter 'O'. The logo for Community Colleges of Ventura County appears at the bottom.

National Voter Registration Day

Location: Moorpark College, Oxnard College, Ventura College
Graphic announcing the start of early voting with bold text saying 'Early Voting Begins Today!' on a dark blue background. The design features red, white, and blue bars with white stars in between. The logo for Community Colleges of Ventura County is in the bottom left corner.

Early Voting Begins

Location: Moorpark College, Oxnard College, Ventura College
2024 RM

Board of Trustees Meeting | October 2024

OC Women’s Soccer (Home Game) vs. Moorpark College

OC Women’s Soccer (Home Game) vs. Moorpark College

Location: Oxnard College
OC Men’s Soccer (Home Game) vs. Moorpark College

OC Men’s Soccer (Home Game) vs. Moorpark College

Location: Oxnard College