March 18, 2020 6:24 p.m.

All Employees:

In order to comply with the explicit declarations of Federal, State, and County officials and to further act in accord with the known and accepted scientific efforts to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the following guidelines are provided to District Managers, Supervisors, and Employees. It is desired that to the greatest extent possible, District operations are accomplished by having employees work remotely from home (telecommute) beginning Monday, March 16 through Friday, April 10. This may extended depending upon the COVID-19 situation and local circumstances.

The colleges and District Office will identify and determine locally the essential functions and essential personnel needed to maintain basic operations. All locations have suspended on-site and in-person access to services by students and the general public at this time.

Current Situation during COVID-19 Pandemic Medical Emergency - General
All ñ locations (colleges, East Campus, and district office) have suspended all non-essential on-campus/site functions through Friday, April 10th. Many employees are transitioning to working remotely. Only employees who are required to maintain essential operations and support will be on locations.

For faculty, staff, student workers, and provisional and probationary employees, your supervisor and location leadership will provide the details and work with all employees to establish working remotely or alternate schedules along with staffing needed to maintain essential operations and support. We recognize that working remotely will result in work being different in many instances. You will be provided information and support to help this transition. Thank you for your cooperation as we reduce the number of employees on at our locations to only essential personnel.

All employees (faculty, staff, student workers, and provisional and probationary employees), whether working on-site or working remotely from their home will continue to get paidfor their normal hours throughout the duration of this situation. Details and work plans for this week and moving forward will be communicated directly to employees by their supervisors.

Student workers will be paid this week and supervisors will work directly with student assistant employees to ensure there are appropriate work assignments for them to complete for the remainder of the semester either on-site or remotely.

Working Remotely from Home
Supervision/Management, in discussion and communication with each employee will determine the extent of remote work or telecommuting from home versus essential work on-site on a regular or alternate schedule. Some employees may be required to work both remotely and on-site on a rotating basis.

  • All of our locations remain open so that essential operations and services continue with the minimal level of staffing needed. On-site services are suspended for students at the general public.
  • Employees will at minimum work remotely via email and phone. IT will work to help employees requiring specialized access to get that set up for work at home where possible.
  • The type of work that occurs remotely may be different and all specific job functions may not be able to be met through remote work. This is understood and we appreciate flexibility from supervisors and employees.
  • Many meetings will occur in a remote format.
  • Employee numbers on-site will be reduced to allow for proper social distancing.

For employees working on-site remember to:

  • WASH hands frequently;
  • NOT TOUCH eyes, nose, mouth with unwashed hands;
  • Fist/Elbow “BUMP” instead of shaking hands or hugging;
  • SNEEZE/COUGH into a tissue covering the nose & mouth or into a sleeved elbow
  • Keep a safe “SOCIAL DISTANCE“ of 6’ from others;

Employees Over 65 Years Old and/or Employees with Health Conditions that Cause Increased Vulnerability to COVID-19
The District has accepted the recommendation of Governor Newsome and until further notice, employees over 65 years old and/or those who have verified health conditions that cause increased vulnerability to COVID-19 are to be off-site and are to be on paid administrative leave. Such employees and their supervisors/managers may explore the possibility of the employee being able to perform work remotely while on that paid leave. Please reference the “Working Remotely from Home” section above.

  1. Illness and Leave for Employees Working On-site or Become Ill at Home and are Unable to Work Remotely
    • Any employee who feels ill/sick is to simply stay away from the workplace.
    • If sick leave is available, s/he is to use it.
    • If sick leave is exhausted and s/he has other leave, s/he may use the other leave to cover the absence.
    • If there are no other leaves available, only then will s/he be placed on unpaid leave of absence.
  2. If in the estimation of Supervision/Management an employee appears at work and, appears to be obviously ill/sick, and in particular if the employee is showing the symptoms of COVID-19 (see attached), Supervision/Management is to:
    • send the employee away from the workplace on Paid Sick Leave (if available) or other paid leave (if available) or as a last resort, unpaid leave (if no leave is available); and,
    • Inform the employee s/he is not to return to work unless certified to do so by a Doctor.

Should you have any questions or comments regarding any of the foregoing, or any questions as to what changes are occurring as the District Copes with the impacts of the COVID-19 virus, please do not hesitate to contact us in Human Resources:

Laura Barroso, Director Employee Relations and Human Resource Operations at 805-652-5506 or
Jim Dembowski, Vice-Chancellor – Human Resources at 805-652-5512 or

District Office