ñ would like you to get to know the staff and facultywhocontribute their time, talent & education to the success of our students. We will regularly highlight employees across all four campuses, sharing their professional expertise, their educational path, and a few fun facts about them.

Dalia Guerrero Espinosa,Administrative Assistant at Oxnard College

Describe your position:

The various jobs an administrative assistant performs are limitless, but the most noticeable job I can say I complete daily is to provide extensive organizational and educational support to the Career Education (CE) division at Oxnard College.

Some other tasks are to compose an array of reports, requisitions, forms, meeting agendas, etc. I also manage the calendar of the CE division dean in all aspects. Lastly, I coordinate staff and faculty meetings and establish and maintain a comprehensive filing system, where all documents are processed and organized, including payroll and personnel records for all CE Division members.

How long have you worked for the District?

I joined Oxnard College in April 2019 as an office assistant for the Business Services department. I have worked as an administrative assistant in the Career Education division since January 2021.

Are you a ñ alum? If yes, which college?

I am a proud Oxnard College alumna who worked as a math, ESL, and Spanish tutor in 2004.I was a part of ASG and an ESL Club board member.

When you’re not working, what do you enjoy doing?

I enjoy spending time with my daughter, as it is very joyful to be a guide in her early learning.

What do you find rewarding about your job or career?

I believe that education is the key to success and having the opportunity every day to provide this insight to new students is very rewarding. My extensive experience working within educational institutions makes me a resource for new generations, which is exceptionally gratifying.

I have enjoyed being a source of information to my assigned office, the public, staff, and outside groups and agencies, including all clerical tasks related to this position.

Do you do any volunteer work? If so, what?

I have volunteered in my church and some nonprofit agencies within my community. I have contributed to and enjoyed fundraising events, some that come to mind are being part of the OC Classified Senate from 2020 to 2022.

I have also completed translations for different organizations, including the District.

Two words to describe yourself:

Persistent and determined

Bonus Question: Where is your happy place?

My happy place is getting home to play with my daughter, Samantha. She enjoys dancing and doing arts and crafts with her mom. My happy place rejoices when that little soul looks up to me, making my heart melt while saying, “Thank you, mami.”

Dalia and Samantha

District Office
Oxnard College