ñ would like you to get to know the staff and facultywhocontribute their time, talent & education to the success of our students. We will regularly highlight employees across all four campuses, sharing their professional expertise, their educational path, and a few fun facts about them.

Name: Dan Watkins

Position:Associate Vice Chancellor, Information Technology

What does that entail?

I provide leadership for districtwide technology services and initiatives. I also manage the operations of the District’s information technology department.

How long have you worked for the District?

I have worked for the District for 17 months. I began my community college career in August 2000 and started at ñ on July 1, 2018.

Were you a student at one of the district’s colleges and if so which one?

No, I attended Santa Barbara City College.

What was your major and your degree?

I received a master of arts in organizational management from Antioch University.

Are you from the area and if not where are you from?

I live in Santa Barbara and enjoy the commute.

Share something personal about yourself: (ex: pets, hobbies, what are you currently watching/listening to and why you enjoy it)

I’ve been married to my wife Stacey for 19 years. We met when I took her yoga class. We have 2 sons ⁠— 15-year-old Ben and 18-year-old Josh ⁠— a dog, a cat, and a corn snake. I love watching my youngest son perform in musicals and playing volleyball with my older son. I’ve danced in the Nutcracker for the last 5 years. I swim and/or hike almost daily. I definitely enjoy a good book. Some of my favorites includePillars of the Earth,The Fountainhead, andEnders Game.

What do you find rewarding about your job or career?

Working for a community college district in technology is deeply meaningful to me.Technology continually shifts the way we live and function.The ultimate goal is to make everything easier, faster, and better for students to achieve their educational goals. I enjoy the variety and challenges present in the information technology industry. The rate of change, innovation, and disruptive technology make this an exciting field to work in. It’s rare that two days are the same.

Two words to describe yourself:

Innovative and ethical.

Do you do any volunteer work? If so, what?

I’m a board member for the Channel Islands YMCA Association and Youth & Family Services. I serve as a South Region Representative for the CISOA – Chief Information Systems Office Association.

Dan Watkins dancing on stage.
Dan Watkins and Wife.

Dan Watkin's two sons.
District Office
Employee Life