This article appeared in the VC Star on March 26, 2022.

Over the past decade, homelessness has been on the rise for college students nationwide, especially during the pandemic. When a student experiences home insecurity or homelessness, they are at an even greater academic risk than their peers to drop out of school.

Community college students are most deeply affected by this issue, something we see at the state and local levels. Within the California Community College system, serving 2.1 million students through 116 colleges, 20% of students are experiencing homelessness. 

At the ñ campuses (Ventura College, Oxnard College and Moorpark College), an average of 18% of the student population is housing insecure.

Ventura County’s community colleges are taking a stand to mitigate these disparities.

The Basic Needs Offices at each Ventura County community college were created to assist homeless students, those facing home insecurity or who have multiple challenges, including food insecurity.

Ventura College’s Basic Needs Office provides students with food and essential supplies (diapers, toiletries, and more) at no cost. The office also helps students sign up for CalFresh, offers housing referrals — including referrals to homeless shelters — and mental health referrals for counseling, and provides access to campus shower facilities and lockers.

John Ruff, basic needs specialist at Ventura College, runs the office’s day-to-day operations. Ruff, who was food and home insecure when he moved to California, empathizes with the students he assists. He knows firsthand the challenges and anxiety of students who do not know where they will sleep from day to day because they don’t have adequate shelter.

A 2021 national assessment of basic needs insecurity among college students reported that 48% were housing insecure; 14% said they had experienced homelessness in the previous year.

The 2021 #RealCollege survey by The Hope Center, a center for holistic renewal and training in Los Angeles, also reported that due to the pandemic, 60% of students experienced a basic need insecurity last year, the highest reported in recent years.

In 2017, Ventura College worked with the Scion Group to conduct a student housing market and demand analysis. Scion’s study of local market costs found rents increased 25% in Ventura from 2010 to 2017, an annual average of 4%. Additionally, it was found that most students had difficulty securing housing. With increased costs and obstacles in finding open rooms, the divide widens for students in finding affordable housing.

An equitable solution: On-campus affordable housing, as identified by the Scion Group’s research and compelling data.

However, building student housing can be costly. In response, Ventura College applied for the 2021-22 Higher Education Student Housing Grant Program. This grant opportunity is new to community colleges and supports one-time funding to construct student housing or acquire and renovate commercial properties to provide affordable, low-cost housing options for students.

The $62 million proposal recently received a recommendation for funding from the California Department of Finance, which brings our college one step closer to having student housing. Moorpark College and Oxnard College have also been recommended for their proposals to fund their planning of future affordable student housing on each of their campuses.

Matt LaVere, District 1 Supervisor for Ventura County and Ventura College Foundation board member, shared news of Ventura College’s recent recommendation. LaVere, who is passionate about affordable housing, was delighted to hear about this potential funding opportunity for Ventura College.

“From my seven years serving on the Ventura College Foundation board, I have seen firsthand how housing insecurity directly impacts one’s college journey. From homeless students forced to sleep in their cars to those who have to work three jobs just to afford rent, housing insecurity continues to be a significant roadblock to many pursuing their college dreams,” he said.

As president of the college, I believe being so close to the possibility of having affordable housing on campus for students who are experiencing homelessness will contribute significantly to student success.

It’s not just about providing a safe place for students to sleep but providing equity for students who lack this basic need. Housing is the missing link in providing a holistic approach for student academic success.

Kimberly Hoffmans, R.N., Ed.D., is president of Ventura College.

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