This article appeared in the print edition of the VC Star on Dec. 20, 2020.

In today’s global economy,manufacturersare required to be nimble, technologically advanced and efficient. To accomplish this, the manufacturing industry is becoming ahigh-techhubmore computer-driven than ever. Instead of being a threat to jobs,however,computers are helping skilled workersincrease productivityandcompaniesprotect their bottom line.

This evolution to more computer wizardry requires that workers have specialized skill sets. Yes,theystillneed tounderstand the process behindtransforming raw materials into aproduct and how to work with their hands.However,now workersalsoneed to understandthe complexities of operating aCNC (computer numerical control) machine that enables the user to programthe specifics of a part with precision andconsistent results.

Digital transformation of the factory floor will accelerate, writes Amar Hanspal in “Five Predictions For The Manufacturing Industry In 2021” “The pandemic reminded manufacturers about the fragility of relying on labor, access to physical space, and centralized factories half-way around the world to produce goods. Fortunately, advanced technology — sensors, machine learning, computer vision, robotics, cloud computing, edge computing, and 5G network infrastructure — has proven to increase supply chain resiliency for manufacturers who adopt it.”

It’s an optimaltime forstudents to get jobs in manufacturing, as the country looks to bring jobs back to the United States.While learning on the job may have beensufficient in the past,localemployers value thetraining andstreamlined process of havingentry-levelemployees whoare well prepared andcan jump right in.

This is particularly important in Ventura County, where manufacturing has been identified by the Economic Development Collaborative as one of six key industries.

Prompted by student interest, employer demandand Ventura County’s strength as a manufacturing sector, Ventura College is launching a newadvanced manufacturingdegree programinthe Spring 2021 semesterthat offersstate-of-the-artinformation and technology in both lecture and laboratory settings.

The program aims to prepare students to be career-ready, as defined by the U.S. Department of Education,by training them on full-size, industry-worthy machines, which mirror the machinesused in the workplace.Studentswho arealready in the industry can take classes to expand or update their skills for career advancement.

In the program, students will learn additive manufacturing, laser technology, 3-5 axis CNC milling, CNC Turning, CMM (coordinate-measuring machine) inspection, CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing) fundamentalsand continued use of general manufacturing processes, givingstudents access to industry-level tools and technologies.

The program also offers a pre-apprenticeshipoptionto give students a headstart on their career with real-world experience. Additionally, apprenticeshipsprovide employers an opportunity to find skilled workers,which have been identified asaneedlocally.

After taking two classes, students who participate in VC’sapprenticeshipprogramcan earnapproximately $18 an hour. In contrast, the state’s minimum wage is $14per hour foremployerswith 26or more employees. The rate is $13per hour forcompanieswith 25 or fewer employees, as of January 1, 2021.

For2 1/2 years, the student will work full time in local industry to receive on-the-job training while taking at least one class per semester at Ventura College.

In just three years, a student will earn a Journeyman Machinist Card from the U.S. Department of Labor, which can transfer anywhere in the U.S. Following program completion, the studentmayearn $25-$30 per hour.

Studentswho pursue the degreecanseek employmentto launch their careeror transfer to a university toobtainabachelor’sdegree in management, engineering, industrial technology, agricultural engineeringor mechanical engineering.In Ventura County’s manufacturing sector thereis a wide range of occupations:“Approximately one-third of employment is production oriented, while another third involves a variety of administrative occupations from accounting and management to logistics and global trade specialists, with the final third of employment engaged in high-end engineering and R&D,” according to the Economic Development Collaborative’s website.

VenturaCollegewill alsostart offeringtwo certificates of achievement in manufacturing technology, includingCNC Machine Operation andCNC Machinist.

“One of the reasons this program is so advantageous is because it trains our local residents to work in an industry where there are high paying jobs in Ventura County,” says John Clark,instructor in the manufacturing technology program.“Our graduates will be able to live here and support their families.”

The first cohort for this program begins in January.To learn more, visit

Kim Hoffmans, R.N., Ed.D, is the president of Ventura College.

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