ñ would like you to get to know the staff and facultywhocontribute their time, talent, and education to the success of our students. We will regularly highlight employees across all four campuses, sharing their professional expertise, their educational path, and a few fun facts about them.
Jodi Dickey, Counseling Faculty, Department Chair, Moorpark College

Describe your position in a few sentences:

I am an academic counselor at Moorpark College and currently serve as department chair. Counselors work with students throughout their academic journey. We provide information, guidance, and support to students to promote learning, success and completion.

As the Counseling Department chair, I support the counseling department through representation on committees and organize meetings and trainings so the counselors have the information and tools they need to support students. I am also responsible for maintaining a schedule that ensures adequate counseling coverage and generally solves problems to ensure that the department functions optimally for the campus community.

How long have you worked for the District?

I started as an adjunct counselor on February 14, 2007 and was hired full-time in 2014. I have been department chair since January 2019.

Are you a ñ alum?If yes, which college?

I am not an alum of ñ; however, I have taken courses at Moorpark College to begin my graduate program at Cal State University, Northridge and to obtain my licensed professional clinical counselor (LPCC) license.

When you’re not working, what do you enjoy doing?

I enjoy reading, doing craft projects, and spending time with my daughter. My husband and I just bought a campervan and are looking forward to traveling throughout the country.

What do you find rewarding about your job or career?

My career is rewarding because I have the opportunity to help and support people. Whether I’m working directly with students or acting as department chair, I play a role in helping people change and better their lives.

Two words to describe yourself:

Genuine and curious

Bonus Question: What’s your favorite book?

This is actually the most difficult question to answer. I often have a current favorite book, but I also have many books I love. I love the book,“A Tree Grows in Brooklyn,”by Betty Smith, and“Shantaram,”by Gregory David Roberts. Both books highlight our humanity, the good and the not so good, and our capacity to survive, thrive, and change.

Image of Jodi Dickey and her husband with their new campervan
Jodi Dickey and her husband with their new campervan

Employee Life
Moorpark College
District Office