ÂÌñÉç would like you to get to know the staff and faculty who contribute their time, talent & education to the success of our students. We will regularly highlight employees across all four campuses, sharing their professional expertise, their educational path, and a few fun facts about them.
Joel Diaz, Registrar at Oxnard College

Describe your position in 2-3 sentences:ÌýÌý

I supervise the Admission and Records Office, which proudly services the diverse group of wonderful students here at Oxnard College. Following federal, state, and District regulations, I serve as a resource for the college community, other registrars and contribute to the operations of the student services departments at Oxnard College. I ensure we are compliant with state and federal regulations, the privacy of student education records (FERPA), athletic eligibility, veterans’ benefits certification and student education records. ​

How long have you worked for the District?Ìý

I have been employed by ÂÌñÉç for 20 years. My career with the District began at Moorpark College, where I started as an Admissions and Records Technician. As an A&R Technician, I loved what I did, and I knew my long-term goal was to grow my career. To help me achieve my goal, I worked with Kathy Colborn, the former Registrar for MC to learn the many ever-evolving duties related to the A& R office.

When the Assistant Registrar position became available at Oxnard College, I jumped at the opportunity and was selected. After working as the Assistant Registrar for eight years under Susan Cabral, the Registrar position became available. I applied and was selected. Being the Registrar for a college is a very challenging position with constant changes, but I still love my job after 20 years.

Are you a ÂÌñÉç alum?ÌýIf yes, which college?Ìý

I graduated from Oxnard College with my associate degree in 1994 and then transferred to Humboldt State University, where I earned my bachelor’s degree in business administration. My wife (my high school sweetheart) and I both attended Oxnard College and transferred to Humboldt State University.

It feels incredibly rewarding to have come full circle and return to OC, where I'm able to collaborate with many caring people including former professors.

When you’re not working, what do you enjoy doing?

When I am not working, I love spending time with my two energetic children, my wife and our dog. I enjoy working on projects around the house and being active. On weekends, you can find me and my brothers biking a 21-mile course through the Santa Monica Mountains. I've run the LA Marathon three times and still run, just not 26 miles. I am one of eight children, so there's usually a family gathering where we all meet up. I enjoy the time I get to spend with my mom, siblings and family.Ìý

What do you find rewarding about your job or career?Ìý

I enjoy being able to implement processes that streamline tasks and make a difference for students and staff. My position requires me to constantly troubleshoot issues and answer technical questions daily. Changes arise on a daily basis and make my job exciting due to the fast-paced nature of working at a college. It is very rewarding to resolve issues and answer questions that will ultimately help our students. Seeing our students graduate and knowing we helped them along their educational journey is very rewarding.

Do you do any volunteer work? If so, what?

I don’t have much free time to volunteer. My kids and my wife keep me extremely busy. When my children participated in sports, I enjoyed volunteering on the fields and in the snack bar. My family considers me the family handyman, so I am constantly helping them. I work for food, so I am very affordable and always receive repeat business.Ìý

Two words to describe yourself:ÌýÌýFamily oriented and hard working

Bonus Question: What’s your favorite book and why?Ìý

I am not much of a book reader, but I thoroughly enjoy reading regulationsÌýthat impact the college. This is critical because the workload in A&R is complex, legally mandated, highly regulated and audited by multiple agencies.ÌýWith the constant changes we face today, especially due to COVID, I must ensure I stay up-to-date on all the regulations that pertain to Admissions and Records.Ìý Ìý

Image of Joel Diaz and Family Standing in front of a bridge
Joel Diaz and his family


Employee Life
Oxnard College
District Office