ñ would like you to get to know the staff and facultywhocontribute their time, talent & education to the success of our students. We will regularly highlight employees across all four campuses, sharing their professional expertise, their educational path, and a few fun facts about them.

Mary Jones, Coordinator, Ventura College Student Health Center

Describe your position in 2-3 sentences:

My primary role is to coordinate the Student Health Center at Ventura College. In addition, I co-chair our Safety and Wellness Committee and our Behavioral Intervention Caring Team. I am active on our Emergency Response team at VC and the District and set up our COVID-19 screening protocol for the campus.

How long have you worked for the District?

I have worked with the District since 1995—17 years at Oxnard College and 10 at Ventura College.I served as secretary, vice president and academic senate president for 3 years at Oxnard College.

Are you a ñ alum?If yes, which college?

I am not an alum, but I have taken several classes at both OC and VC to improve my Spanish (four semesters), and Introduction to Sign Language and PowerPoint. I taught a leadership course at OC for two semesters.

I received my registered nurse practitioner degree from Emory University and my master’s degree from UCLA.

When you’re not working, what do you enjoy doing?

I enjoy traveling. I have visited the world’s seven continents at least once and five of them— Africa, South America, Asia, Europe and Australia—twice.

I also enjoy volunteering in Guatemala as an RN. I am learning French and always enjoy reading a good book.

What do you find rewarding about your job or career?

I have been a practicing nurse for over 50 years, and my passion is helping a patient/student achieve their wellness goals. It has been a perfect fit for my personality.

Two words to describe yourself:

Empathetic and generous

Bonus Question: What’s your favorite book?

“The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz

Image of Mary Jones with her partner Dave and grandson Jake
Mary Jones with her partner Dave and grandson Jake
Employee Life
Ventura College
District Office