By Lauren Rosenthal

Joshua Dayrit created the art for the graduating class of 2020. The whimsical work titled “Keep Dreaming” started as an illustration project for an art class at Ventura College. His goal was to create a work with the “innocence of Disney.”

Joshua Dayrit

The VC alum has been doodling since he was young and has a degree in film and media from UC Irvine. But it was when he returned to VC last year that he was inspired to pursue his passion for art. The 24-year-old Oxnard resident took drawing and composition as well as 2D design with Bruce Freeman. He reveals that this class sparked his interest in refining his craft and boosted his self-esteem. He also took life drawing illustration with David Young, whom Joshua declares improved his budding talents immensely. “I learned so much from these classes; they boosted me to where I am,” he says.

Joshua is motivated by seeing the excellent work of his fellow students. “It made me try even harder, because part of me wanted to match them.”

Joshua is currently enrolled in Moorpark College’s game design program. His career goal is to “make art and make a video game.” He’d like to be part of a team that takes a project from idea to market.

Joshua’s creative streak doesn’t end there: He likes to write, play guitar, draw and make computer synthesized music.

“It’s all about the arts for me. I like to express myself,” he says.

You can follow Joshua on Instagram atDZ..

Lauren Rosenthal is a Moorpark College student and intern with the ñ.

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