April 11, 2020 12:30 p.m.


Following is information that may be helpful.

Pass/No Pass Grading OPTION

  • Students who arecurrently still enrolledin their Spring 2020 classes mayelect to change their grading mode to Pass/No Passby completing a, which will be electronically routed to Admissions & Records and processed by our office.

    • Even though the deadline has passed, Executive Order 2020-02 suspended the title 5, section 55022 requirement that students select the “pass or no pass” grading option prior to the 30% mark of the term. This means thatAdmissions & Records will honor all Spring 2020 pass no pass requests that come in through theend of the semester.

    • This grading option for classes during the COVID19 crisis will not negatively impact GPA, financial aid eligibility, nor will it affect their ability to graduate or successfully complete most VC programs. Students should consult with an academic counselor about how a pass/no pass grade may affect them, including their possible transfer goals.

Excused Withdrawals (EW) and Refunds due to Extraordinary Conditions

  • Student whohave already droppeda class on or after March 9th, are eligible torequest a withdrawal due to extraordinary conditions, by completing thethat will be made available in their portal.Excused Withdrawals will not negatively impact GPA, financial aid eligibility, or transfer.

    • Students may select to receive a transcript notation of Excused Withdrawal (EW) and a refund of their enrollment fees or no transcript notation (a complete drop) and a refund of their enrollment fees. By the student selecting a Withdrawal Due to Extraordinary Circumstance, their previous drop will be removed and replaced with the type of drop the student requests on their form. Students will have untilMay 14th,2021to opt in to this withdrawal option.

  • Students who arecurrently still enrolledin their Spring 2020 classesmay to request a withdrawal due to extraordinary conditions, by completing thethat will be made available in their portal.Excused Withdrawals will not negatively impact GPA, financial aid eligibility, or transfer.

    • All students currently still enrolled may select this option, even if the withdrawal deadline for their class has passed. Students may select to receive a transcript notation of Excused Withdrawal (EW) and a refund of their enrollment fees or no transcript notation (a complete drop) and a refund of their enrollment fees. Students will have untilMay 14th,2021to opt in to this withdrawal option.

March 31, 2020 6:52 p.m.

Dear Moorpark College Raiders -

Congrats you have made it this far and you are still enrolled and trying your best to balance life in the time of COVID-19! You and your peers have demonstrated resiliency and flexibility as you adjust to the new plans the College has executed to keep students, faculty and staff safe. I know that some of you are struggling and may be contemplating withdrawing or may have stopped participating in your classes. Others are dealing with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their family members or themselves. I am reaching out to all students with a message of hope. You will be alright and we are determined that you complete your goals for this semester. In the case that you cannot, know that we are here for you and that you speak with an academic counselor, a faculty member or a success coach who can help you plan for your return to MC in summer or fall. I encourage you to stick with it and know that faculty and staff are here to support you. Click on this link to access on services available for students

Communication.Instructors have worked diligently to transition instruction to virtual platforms mostly using Canvas course management system, and CCCConfer Zoom. They have also reached out to students via email or through invitations to participate in Zoom instruction sessions. If you have not heard from your instructor, please contact them at the email address on the course syllabus. If you do not hear back from the instructor, you may also contact the department chair and/or the division dean. The email and numbers for each of them should also be on your syllabus or on our course Canvas page. we are here to help. If you can't get an answer to your question, please message us . Students successful online have the following skills::

  • Persistence: When you face a challenge, ask for help. Set up a manageable study schedule for yourself and stick to it.
  • Effective Time-Management Skills: Review the course syllabus for each of your courses and make a long term plan for completing your major assignments. Also make a daily “To Do” list. Check it off as you go along.
  • Effective and Appropriate Communication Skills: Use the tools provided by the college to communicate with your instructor and use appropriate style and language for school.
  • Basic Technical Skills: Can you navigate the course management system? Do you have the right computer and software for this course? See attachment titled “ Accessing Canvas 24-7 Hotline Instructions”
  • Reading and Writing Skills: Reading and writing are the main ways to communicate in an online course. You will need to be comfortable reading and writing on a computer screen and maybe typing with ease.
  • Motivation and Independence: Do you want to succeed? Why? Online students must want to succeed because it requires independence and maturity.
  • Good Study Environment: Is your study area set up for effective learning? Have you minimized distractions? Is it possible to find peace and quiet?

Financial Aid.This is not only a Public Health emergency, we know that it is also an economic crisis. Students and their families are living with the economic fallout of the pandemic. We are here to provide some temporary financial assistance so you may continue your education.

Emergency Funds.The Financial Aid Office can assist students in need of temporary financial assistance. Impacted students complete the attached form and email to mcfa@vcccd.edu for processing.

Refunds and withdrawals.My recommendation to students is to continue with your coursework; particularly for students for whom this is their first time in an online or other virtual learning environment, I encourage you to give it a try. There have been questions about excused withdrawals and refunds. If you are still currently registered in courses beyond the date of March 13, 2020, and are impacted by the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, you may request an Excused Withdrawal (EW). The college is currently formalizing a process for students to make this request. Please continue with your coursework . You will have at least to the end of semester right before finals to get an excused withdrawal without impacting your GPA. In addition, the recently passed Federal bill has implications for financial aid. It is worth waiting for additional information before making this important decision to withdraw. We will provide more information once details are finalized. Before withdrawing from a course, please speak with your instructor, academic counselor, the Financial Aid Office, if your receive aid, and if you are a Veteran, contact the Veterans Resource Center. International students must contact the International Students Office and speak with the specialist before withdrawing from college courses as it might impact their visa status. .

Final Exams.Final exams are to continue as scheduled; in some career programs, the semester might be extended to accommodate for the disruption due to the COVID-19 virus. Instructors in those programs will communicate changes in the final exam schedule to students. Confirm your final exam date and time with your instructor.

Health Services.The Moorpark College Student Health Center is open and conducting telephone assessments as well as providing mental health and other services online and over the phone. Call 805-378-1413 to speak to a health care professional.

Student Staff.We are committed to keeping our student workers employed and as many as can be have been assigned online or remote work while some are working with essential staff on campus and practicing social distancing. Student workers’ paychecks for March will be mailed to the home addresses on file.

Commencement 2020.Graduating students have worked hard and were looking forward to celebrating their accomplishments at Commencement. Many of you were disappointed about the decision not to hold an in-person Commencement this year. We are also saddened that this will not be possible. The Moorpark College Student Activities team is working diligently to find a meaningful commencement alternative for our graduates. Please stay tuned for further details.

Summer/ Fall Registration.Summer and Fall registration dates have been delayed for everyone. Registration will begin April 20th for students in special populations like ACCESS or EOPS. Other Continuing students can register beginning April 27th. Your place in the queue for registration remains the same.

Veterans GI Bill.Veterans benefits continue automatically during the pandemic and provide the same level of benefits to students having to take courses online because of the pandemic.

Parking Refunds.Students will be credited for unused portion of the spring 2020 parking fee for use the next semester they enroll at one of the ñ Colleges. Stay tuned for more details.

Student Survey. We are working to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on campus operations. To do this, it is important that we fully understand how you access technology and how we can best support you. A survey will be sent to you from Moorpark College in the next day. Please complete the survey by Sunday, April 5, 2020,to help us design programs and services that support your needs. Your answers will be kept anonymous unless you decide to provide us with your name and contact information.

It is too early to tell at this point how face-to-face instruction in the fall semester may be impacted by the virus, but for now, summer is planned online; we will of course respond to events as they occur. I encourage everyone to please take precautions they can to avoid infection and transmission of the COVID-19 virus. No Students allowed on campus except for EATM students on animal care rotations. We are now at the stage where the probability of contacting the virus is rooted in the choices we make as a community, which is why I encourage everyone to follow Governor Newsom’s “Stay at Home” guidance on social distancing and public health protocols. If we treat this guidance with the seriousness it demands, we can indeed flatten the curve of this disease and contain its impact in our community.

Be safe and stay healthy,

Julius Sokenu, Ed. D., Moorpark College President

March 24, 2020 9:47 p.m.

Dear Moorpark College Colleagues:

I hope this email finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. Thanks to you, we have successfully transitioned the students, support services, instruction for the majority of our 1,500 sections, and business operations to a virtual platform. Kudos to every one of you! We have also movedour work online for the most part, so what’s next?

We continue to provide access to high quality student-centered instruction that Moorpark College is known for and for which we have received numerous accolades. Faculty continue training on pedagogy that facilitates active learning and adapting instructional technology to meet course and program level outcomes. Classified professionals sustain the main administrative infrastructure of the college and district by conducting business as usual albeit from home. Managers continue to support and enhance processes that enable the staff and faculty to meet student needs. Furthermore, we aremeeting the County’s request for donations of new and unused Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in order to protect our health care professionals who are working to flatten the curve and protect our community.

What other steps are we taking to help our campus community during this period?

Maintaining Health and Safety on Campus

Moorpark College and the District have been preparing for the COVID-19 virus since February. Facilities, Maintenance and Operations staff clean classrooms with industrial-strength agents daily. Custodial staff are disinfecting door handles and surfaces across campus daily by spraying them with disinfectant and allowing the disinfectant to remain on the surfaces until dry. Additionally, we are awaiting delivery later this week of two machines that employ an electrostatic dispersion system for disinfectant that mists chairs, desks, equipment, and surfaces on all exposed sides. The 360-degree disinfection system is capable of covering the furnishings and equipment in 18,000 square feet of a building within approximately one hour. Once the equipment arrives, our team will use this equipment to completely disinfect public areas of the campus on a weekly basis.

Who is Allowed on Campus and when?

Only designated and essential personnel whose work cannot otherwise be done from home are allowed on campus during the Governor’s “Stay Safer at Home” period. If you can do your work remotely, please stay home and help flatten the curve. Staff and faculty who must come onto campus intermittently to pick up documents so theymay continue to work from home should inform their supervisor when they do so and the supervisor contact Campus Police so we can ensure the security of all on campus at any given time. Your supervisor has a list of essential personnel and that list will be updated as we transition employees to fully remote work environments. No students (except EATM students ) are allowed on campus at this point, for any reason.

Communicating with our peers and students is essential.

Thank you for staying in touch with our students and your colleagues. Please be compassionate and help them stay enrolled and continue their education. Be flexible, be intentional, and be kind. Like many of us, students are juggling anxiety about the epidemic, some are homeschooling children as well as working from home. Unfortunately, some likely just lost their jobs and /or their parents lost their jobs. The situation is so fluid and there is much rapid change occurring with the COVID-19 pandemic. It is essential that we maintain lines of communication and remain connected to our college community. Please reach out to students with frequent messages; if you can, establish a routine so students come to expect an email from you at certain times and days of the week. Supervisors and managers, plan to stay in weekly contact with your team. Divisions and departments are encouraged to schedule weekly check-in meetings on Zoom or on other virtual platforms so faculty and staff may address pressing issues and socialize as needed.

I will host weekly virtual meetings via live CCCONFERZoom; this gives the campus community an opportunity to ask questions and for me to share updates in a live interactive format. The first one is on Monday, March 24th at noon. Outlook invitations as well asa Zoom link will go out shortly. In addition, my Open Door hours will be conducted by phone for the rest of the spring semester. Linda will forward weekly invitations with the day, time and phone number to call. The livestream will be recorded and sent to AllUsers for later watching.

What do we want our students to know about the college and learning online?

Faculty and staff are on the frontline and in particular you have the direct contact with students even in the virtual platform. Please help students remain calm and informed. Here are some developments you can share on your course canvas shell or as links in emails to students or on your program webpage:

  • Fees Refunds: This is currently being determined.
  • Summer/Fall Registration: Begins April 20th for special populations and general continuing students April 27th.
  • Parking Refunds: We will provide details about this soon.
  • Emergency Funds: Financial Aid Office can assist students in need of temporary financial assistance. Please have any impacted students complete the attached form and email to mcfa@vcccd.edu for processing.
  • Veterans GI Bill : Veterans benefits continue automatically during the pandemic and provide the same level of benefits to students having to take courses online because of the pandemic

It is too early to tell at this point how face-to-face instruction in the fall semester may be impacted by the virus, but for now, summer is planned online; we will of course respond to events as they occur.

I encourage everyone to please take precautions they can to avoid infection and transmission of the COVID-19 virus. We are now at the stage where the probability of contacting the virus is rooted in the choices we make as a community, which is why I encourage everyone to follow Governor Newsom’s “Stay at Home” guidance on social distancing and public health protocols. If we treat this guidance with the seriousness it demands, we can indeed flatten the curve of this disease and its impact in our community will be mild.

Be safe and stay healthy,

Julius Sokenu, Ed. D., Interim President, Moorpark College

March 21, 2020 10:40 p.m.

Dear Moorpark College Students & Colleagues,

Today we learned that a Moorpark College student recently tested positive for COVID-19 (i.e., Coronavirus). This is the first and only known confirmed case of COVID-19 at Moorpark College and within the ñ (ñ). This student last visited our campus on Monday, March 9th, and has since received medical care in Los Angeles County. All of us at Moorpark College wish this student a speedy recovery.

The students, faculty, and staff who may have been in close contact with this student on our campus have been notified. We have been in communication with Ventura County Public Health (VCPH). The incubation period for COVID-19 is 14 days. Today, Saturday, March 21st, marks 12 days since the possible exposure. At this point, VCPH indicates that it is unlikely that any individuals who have NOT developed symptoms yet from this particular exposure will do so, however, everyone needs to be alert to symptoms and contact health providers and their instructors or supervisors if COVID-19 symptoms arise. Federal student privacy law prevents us from disclosing personal or academic information about the student.

We recognize this news will understandably cause concern among our students, employees, and your families. Moorpark College has been preparing our response to COVID-19 since mid-February and will continue to do everything possible to minimize this virus's impact in our community. We remain in close contact with local and state public health officials to ensure we are doing everything we can to keep our community safe and healthy. Please refer to ñ Alerts for continuous updates and information for Safety Guidelines and Precautions.

Your health and safety remains paramount to us and we will continue providing you with updates. Students transitioning to their online courses should continue with your questions - we are here to help. If you can't get an answer to your question, please message us . Thank you for your patience and resolve during this challenging time. Please take care of yourselves and others by treating local and state guidelines with the seriousness they deserve. We care about you and together we'll all emerge on the other side of this challenging time as a stronger and more united campus community.

Stay safe and be well.

Dr. Julius O. Sokenu, EdD, Moorpark College President

March 16, 2020 5:33 p.m.

Subject line: An update regarding Child Development Centers at ñ campuses

Dear CDC families at Moorpark, Oxnard, and Ventura colleges,

The ñ (ñ) has made the difficult decision to temporarily close our Child Development Centers (CDC) on the Moorpark, Oxnard, and Ventura colleges. The CDCs at our campuses will be closed from Tuesday, March 17th through Friday, April 10th. In making this decision, we weighed the many needs of our community as well as our responsibilities to the public health of Ventura County residents. To be clear, there are no known cases of COVID-19 at any of our facilities and we view these closures as a responsible way to help limit the spread of coronavirus in our region. We will continue to monitor this situation and confer with local officials and public health organizations in the weeks ahead.

We understand this is a challenging time for everyone and apologize for the inconvenience this decision may create for your families. Please know that we reluctantly came to this decision with the goal of protecting your children’s health and safety. We understand there will be many questions still. Please know that we are addressing them as quickly as we can and please feel free to contact our facilities directly.

Here are several resources that may be useful during this period:

  • The for stories, videos, and interactive activities that promote healthy habits for kids in an age-appropriate format.

Thank you for your understanding and support as we all work to keep our community healthy and safe.Please be safe and we’ll be in touch with updates before Friday, April 10th.

Best regards,

Child Development Centers at Moorpark, Oxnard, and Ventura Colleges

March 15, 2020

Today's 1:30 pm performance of ROMEO AND JULIET has been CANCELED. If you purchased your ticket online, a refund will be issued later today. If you purchased your tickets at the Box Office, please stop by the Box Office next week for a refund.

The animals at America's Teaching Zoo at Moorpark College decided to follow social distancing protocols and provide you with the first ever because the 30 year tradition of Spring Spectular was canceled. If you follow the zoo () on , you will be able to see the cool animals and the cool students! Follow the zoo on . Click to help support the program and the animals.

March 13, 2020 - A Message from President Sokenu

Good afternoon Raiders!

Please know we have as our first priority the health and safety of our students and the second a determination to ensure you are all able to complete your academic goals as planned this semester. Attached is a useful resource to maintain mental health and well being. We also want you to be aware of the steps we’re taking to ensure your learning continues. Here are answers to some of your questions.

Is Moorpark College still open?
Yes. Our campus is open and you are welcome at Moorpark College. Fortunately, there have been no cases of coronavirus on our campus. Student support services are available online, by phone and on campus. Please contact the individual offices by phone if you have questions.

Are my classes still taking place on campus?
In order to practice “social distancing” and help prevent the spread of contagious diseases, we are making a few modifications to classes. First, every student is still responsible for completing their coursework in each of their classes. But where will your classes meet and what assignments are due? Keep an eye out for messages from your professor. Next week, March 16-20, some professors may begin moving their lectures online, while other professors with lecture classes may continue meeting on campus. Later, starting on Monday, March 23rd, most lecture classes will be online until after Spring break. So once again, just keep an eye out for messages from your professors and if you haven’t heard from them yet, please reach out. Their contact number and email addresses are on the course syllabus.

Where will my non-lecture classes meet? And what if my class is already online or at a high school?
If you have any courses that involve labs, performance, or physical activity, they are continuing as scheduled. Also, any classes that are already online will continue as planned. If your class takes place in high schools (dual enrollment) please keep an eye out for messages from your instructors.

Will this affect my grade?
No. If you’re in touch with your professors and following all of their instructions and updates, you’ll still receive the grade you earn.

What if I’ve never taken an online class before
There are many resources and tutorials on how to use Canvas, the platform Moorpark College uses for online classes. Learn more.
We also have help for you in the Welcome Center in Fountain Hall and the library.

Are there still events planned at Moorpark College?
We’re putting a hold on any large events with 250+ people. Smaller events and activities may be modified as well – please contact the event host to learn more.

Will I still graduate?
Yes – if you’re still meeting all the requirements for your certificate or degree, and you applied for graduation, you’ll still be graduating. That’s part of why we’re moving many of our lecture classes online, so that you can complete your education here at Moorpark College. We’ll figure out our plans for any commencement ceremonies later in the semester. If you have any additional questions, contact a counselor.

Will the food pantry still be available?
Yes, the food pantry will continue offering access to nutritious food and snacks The Bookstore is reducing the price of all foods by 25% until further notice.

What should I do if do not have access to a computer or Wifi to complete online assignments?
The Library Resource Center and Tutoring Center will remain open and computers are available. Please contact your instructor if you do not have access to a computer or Wi-Fi and are unable to come on campus.

Will registration for summer and fall classes continue?
Yes, check your ñ student portal for your registration date. You can also see which classes are available here

How do I know if I’m sick and what should I do if I’m not feeling well?
If you’re not feeling well, please stay away from Moorpark College and contact your primary care provider or clinic. If you begin feeling any flu-like symptoms (like a fever, cough, or shortness of breath), contact your local emergency room. Our Student Health Center is available for phone evaluations at 805-378-1413. Be sure to email your professor and keep them updated. Do not return to campus until you’ve gone at least 24 hours without a fever (and that 24 hours should also be without the help of any fever-reducing medication).

What else should I be doing?

  1. Remember to keep an eye out for emails like this one from Moorpark College but also for messages from your professors and the ñ (ñ).
  2. Keep taking regular precautions to avoid getting sick. Wash your hands, avoid being around people who are sick, avoid touching your face, cough/sneeze into your arm, and wipe down regularly-touched objects and surfaces with disinfecting wipes and sprays.
  3. There’s always more information to follow at the and the ñ alerts page.

Wait, I still have some questions. Who can I contact?
If you have additional questions for a specific department on campus, here are some helpful phone numbers:

  • General information: 805-378-1400
  • General counseling: 805-378-1428
  • Admission and Records Educational: 805-378-1429
  • Student Business Office: 805-378-1437
  • Student Health Center: 805-378-1413
  • CalWORKS: 805-553-4055
  • Accessibility Coordination Center and Educational Support Services (ACCESS) 805- 378-1461
  • Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS): 805-378-1464
  • First Year Experience (FYE): 805-553-4799
  • Veterans Resource Center: 805-553-4103
  • Outreach Office: 805-378-1409
  • Child Development Center: 805-378-1401
  • Financial Aid Office: 805-378-1462
  • Library Resource Center/Tutoring: 805-378-1450
  • Student Activities Office: 805-378-1434
  • International Students: 805-378-1414
  • Career Transfer Center: 805-378-1536
  • Associated Students: 805-553-4831

We will continue monitoring this situation with public health and local officials – and we’ll let you know if anything changes moving forward. Thanks for your patience and everything you’re doing personally to help maintain the health of our campus community.

Julius Sokenu, Ed. D
interim president
Moorpark College

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