For the latest information about what Oxnard College is doing to support students at this time and what resources are available, .

April 11, 2020 12:30 p.m.


Following is information that may be helpful.

Pass/No Pass Grading OPTION

  • Students who arecurrently still enrolledin their Spring 2020 classes mayelect to change their grading mode to Pass/No Passby completing a, which will be electronically routed to Admissions & Records and processed by our office.

    • Even though the deadline has passed, Executive Order 2020-02 suspended the title 5, section 55022 requirement that students select the “pass or no pass” grading option prior to the 30% mark of the term. This means thatAdmissions & Records will honor all Spring 2020 pass no pass requests that come in through theend of the semester.

    • This grading option for classes during the COVID19 crisis will not negatively impact GPA, financial aid eligibility, nor will it affect their ability to graduate or successfully complete most VC programs. Students should consult with an academic counselor about how a pass/no pass grade may affect them, including their possible transfer goals.

Excused Withdrawals (EW) and Refunds due to Extraordinary Conditions

  • Student whohave already droppeda class on or after March 9th, are eligible torequest a withdrawal due to extraordinary conditions, by completing thethat will be made available in their portal.Excused Withdrawals will not negatively impact GPA, financial aid eligibility, or transfer.

    • Students may select to receive a transcript notation of Excused Withdrawal (EW) and a refund of their enrollment fees or no transcript notation (a complete drop) and a refund of their enrollment fees. By the student selecting a Withdrawal Due to Extraordinary Circumstance, their previous drop will be removed and replaced with the type of drop the student requests on their form. Students will have untilMay 14th,2021to opt in to this withdrawal option.

  • Students who arecurrently still enrolledin their Spring 2020 classesmay to request a withdrawal due to extraordinary conditions, by completing thethat will be made available in their portal.Excused Withdrawals will not negatively impact GPA, financial aid eligibility, or transfer.

    • All students currently still enrolled may select this option, even if the withdrawal deadline for their class has passed. Students may select to receive a transcript notation of Excused Withdrawal (EW) and a refund of their enrollment fees or no transcript notation (a complete drop) and a refund of their enrollment fees. Students will have untilMay 14th,2021to opt in to this withdrawal option.

April 6, 2020 4:57 p.m.

Good afternoon students,

Last week, I promised that I would tell you about bombing my first college test. I had been a successful high school student, active in student government, on the staff of the school newspaper, and selected as class salutatorian. But I did not have good study habits, as my courses came a little too easily to me. After high school, I went to Utah State University to study forestry on a full scholarship. It was a completely naïve and ignorant choice. Having grown up in Los Angeles, I had never met a forest ranger and had no idea what the study of forestry entailed. And that is how I bombed my first college test---in chemistry. I could not visualize the atoms and molecules we were studying, and I did not know how to study or how to seek tutorial assistance. After barely passing that course, and being too timid to speak with a counselor, I lost my full scholarship and my family and I had to struggle and take on debt so that I could stay in school.

Eventually, I figured out that I needed to change schools and change majors. I finished a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology at California State University, Los Angeles, and then went off to law school. I was fortunate to find my way to a field that suited my abilities and interests, but I learned some important lessons through my early mistakes. One of those lessons is the importance of seeking out a counselor to guide your choice of a college, a major, and a career that suits your interests and your aptitude. This pandemic, and its consequences for our economy, is going to cause a lot of students to re-think their career choices. Fortunately, Oxnard College has excellent counselors to help you navigate those choices – they can be reached at 805-678-5907 or you can visit their website .

Next week, I will tell you why law was the best career choice for me, and what law school was like. In the meantime, visit our to learn how you can apply for funds to help cover your basic needs.

Have a productive and safe week.

Luis P. Sanchez, JD, LLM,President | Oxnard College

March 30, 2020 12:06 p.m.

Dear Students,

I promised that this week’s message would be about how to succeed in an online class. I have taken online classes before, and I have taught in an online setting as well. I much prefer face-to-face classrooms, and I don’t pretend to be an expert in online studies, but here are a few general suggestions for students who have limited experience in online classes:

  1. If you don’t have a computer or access to the internet, PLEASE contact our Student Services Help Line immediately at 805-678-5907. You can also learn more about these resources, tutoring help, tips for using Canvas, and more by visiting our ;
  2. If you are struggling in your classes, please let your instructors know right away. They can often help you figure out how to better manage the academic challenges you are facing, or refer you to tutorial support. Of course, our faculty are busy transitioning online now as well and so if you haven’t heard back from them, please contact us at 805-678-5907;
  3. Your self-discipline is the most important tool you have for online classes. Find, if possible, a quiet corner of your home where you can concentrate, and establish and maintain a realistic study schedule to keep up with your assignments;
  4. Talk to your classmates (virtually, if possible) about your classwork. Chances are they are also experiencing similar challenges and you can help each other better understand the material;
  5. Don’t lose hope: we have ALL struggled academically from time to time (in my next message, I will tell you about bombing my first college test!). Seek help, persist, and seek more help. Persistence in the face of deep challenges is what creates success. The great basketball player Michael Jordan , whose commitment to practice was epic, said: “I fail, and I fail, and I fail again---and that is why I succeed.”

Don’t forget to email me directly if you need help and don’t know who to contact. I will do my best to refer you to the right person to help!

Luis P. Sanchez, JD, LLM,President,Oxnard College

March 23, 2020 12:41 p.m.

Dear Oxnard College Students,

I am embarrassed that it took a pandemic to finally make me realize that I have been missing an opportunity to communicate with our students on a weekly basis. My main motivation is that I miss seeing all of you on campus, and this is one small way to try to stay connected to you. I will keep these weekly messages short---usually not more than two paragraphs, because I don’t want to lose your attention, and I know you have lots of things on your mind. And this is also not intended as a substitute for our formal, detailed messages to you---you will still continue to receive those from my office and from across the campus. Consider these messages a kind of love note, like you would receive from your Uncle or Grandfather. My goal is simply to provide you with words of encouragement and support, perhaps occasional advice. And if you message me back, I promise to read every message you send, even if I am not able to respond to each one.

So here’s the first word of support: If you’re not used to online instruction, or if you are struggling in this online environment, please let me know, and I will direct your message to someone who can help you. You can also learn more about how to access our offices, how we're responding to coronavirus, and answers to your frequently asked questions, by.We’re not closed down---we’re just working remotely and we are here to support you. We have counselors, tutors, and financial aid representatives who are anxious to help you. You just need to let us know that you need help.I’m not promising that we can help in every situation, but we would like to try. I was a first-generation college student. I didn’t know how to ask for help. I’m still not good at asking for help. But those of us who went into the field of higher education did so because we love helping students, so let us help you succeed.

Next week’s topic: How to succeed in online classes

Stay safe.

Luis P. Sanchez, JD, LLM, President, Oxnard College

OC Logo

March 18, 2020 5:01 p.m.

Good afternoon Oxnard College Students,

We are going through an unprecedented challenge for our campus community and I want to thank you for your patience and resolve as we work to prioritize your health and educational goals. Fortunately, there remain no known cases of the virus at any of our facilities and your safety remains paramount. Nevertheless, as you well know by now, we must continue to play our part in minimizing the spread of coronavirus in our community.

As Chancellor Greg Gillespie communicated earlier this week, there are no in-person classes taking place at Oxnard College effective March 16 through the end of the Spring semester. However, your classes will continue to have online/virtual assignments that you are responsible for - if you have not heard from your professors yet regarding these updated requirements, please contact them directly (and if you have reached out but still have not heard back, please call our Welcome Center at 805-678-5907). Additionally, although our campus is closed to the public through Friday, April 10th, our offices remain staffed and are available to assist you by phone, email, and online (their contact info is listed down beneath my signature line). If you need help, please contact them!

I understand there is a tremendous amount of information being sent your way, so I want to reiterate a few things you can do to stay up-to-date:

Contact your professor: If you have any doubts whatsoever as to what the online/virtual requirements for your classes are, please contact your professor directly. If they have not responded to you, please be patient and call our Welcome Center at (805) 678-5907. Remember, you are not expected to physically be on campus, nor should you.

Look for communications from OC & the District:

for answers to frequently asked questions and resources available to you. If your question is not answered, please . You can also follow the ñ Alerts page for updates in our District. Also, continue to check your Myñ email account for updates from Oxnard College and our District. Please check these resources daily.

Look for our emergency texts/calls: Attached are instructions to sign up for Emergency Notifications from Oxnard College via email/call/text. This is an extremely important method of communication, please sign up or at least double-check your information.

Contact our student services offices by email, phone, or online. See down below my signature line for their contact information.

Finally, I understand this is a stressful time for each of you. You may find yourself feeling anxious or depressed. You may feel overwhelmed by taking online classes for the first time. We understand and we are here to help. - they include physical/mental health services, options for food, tips on internet access, resources for learning online, help with registration for summer classes, and more. If you don’t see what you need, let us know or pick up the phone and give our Welcome Center a call at (805) 678-5907.

Thank you again for your patience during this period. We care about you. We are here to help. Together, we’ll all find a way through this and come out on the other side as a stronger and more united campus than ever before.

Best regards,

Luis P. Sanchez, LLM, JD,President | Oxnard College

Student services and campus offices:

March 16, 2020 5:33 p.m.

Subject line: An update regarding Child Development Centers at ñ campuses

Dear CDC families at Moorpark, Oxnard, and Ventura colleges,

The ñ (ñ) has made the difficult decision to temporarily close our Child Development Centers (CDC) on the Moorpark, Oxnard, and Ventura colleges. The CDCs at our campuses will be closed from Tuesday, March 17th through Friday, April 10th. In making this decision, we weighed the many needs of our community as well as our responsibilities to the public health of Ventura County residents. To be clear, there are no known cases of COVID-19 at any of our facilities and we view these closures as a responsible way to help limit the spread of coronavirus in our region. We will continue to monitor this situation and confer with local officials and public health organizations in the weeks ahead.

We understand this is a challenging time for everyone and apologize for the inconvenience this decision may create for your families. Please know that we reluctantly came to this decision with the goal of protecting your children’s health and safety. We understand there will be many questions still. Please know that we are addressing them as quickly as we can and please feel free to contact our facilities directly.

Here are several resources that may be useful during this period:

  • The for stories, videos, and interactive activities that promote healthy habits for kids in an age-appropriate format.

Thank you for your understanding and support as we all work to keep our community healthy and safe.Please be safe and we’ll be in touch with updates before Friday, April 10th.

Best regards,

Child Development Centers at Moorpark, Oxnard, and Ventura Colleges

Oxnard College