- April 10, 2020 - Update No. 20

- April 09, 2020 - Update No. 19

- April 08, 2020 - Update No. 18

- April 07, 2020 - Update No. 17

- April 06, 2020 - Update No. 16

- April 03, 2020 - Update No. 15

- April 02, 2020 - Update No. 14

- April 01, 2020 - Update No. 13

- March 30, 2020 - Update No. 12

- March 27, 2020 - Update No. 11

- March 26, 2020 - Update No. 10

- March 25, 2020 - Update No. 9

- March 24, 2020 - Update No. 8

- March 23, 2020 - Update No.7

- March 20, 2020 - Update No.6

- March 19, 2020 - Update No.5

- March 18, 2020 - Update No.4

- March 17, 2020 - Update No.3

- March 13, 2020

- March 10, 2020

- March 07, 2020

- March 05, 2020

- February 27, 2020

March 27, 2020

Contact: Christina Jimenez
Office: 916-322-4004
Office E-mail: cjimenez@CCCCO.edu

California Community Colleges Chancellor Eloy Ortiz Oakley Issues Statement on Passage of CARES Act

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California Community Colleges Chancellor issued the following statement on the passage of the CARES Act:

“We are grateful to Congress, and especially to the California delegation, for including $14 billion in emergency funding for higher education nationwide. The bill includes a number of provisions consistent with the proposal by the Chancellor’s Office and its advocacy partners to provide protections for student financial aid and program funding flexibility at the campus level, including easing restrictions for allowable uses of grant aid. As the largest system of higher education in the country, a formula that directly invests in our Pell recipients will directly support students facing urgent needs related to coronavirus through emergency grants to students to cover eligible expenses, such as food, housing, technology, health care and childcare. Additional resources will support our colleges as they cope with the immediate impact on operations resulting from the pandemic.

But this represents just a start to a larger commitment that will be needed to help students and our country recover from this crisis. The bill does not include long-term assistance to students through Pell Grants. Nor does it fund new technology to support colleges in their transition from in-person to online instruction and to close achievement gaps resulting from a lack of adequate resources for low-income students.

The Chancellor’s Office will continue its federal advocacy and Congressional engagement on the above priorities and any other needs identified as Congress considers future Coronavirus response appropriations.”

March 27, 2020

Contact: Christina Jimenez
Office: 916-322-4004
Office E-mail: cjimenez@CCCCO.edu

California Community Colleges Chancellor Eloy Ortiz Oakley Makes Changes to Student Grading Policies during COVID-19 Emergency

SACRAMENTO, Calif. The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office today instituted changes to various grading regulations throughout the 115-college system in response to the COVID-19 crisis, the latest in a series of measures to help students adjust to disruptions caused by the pandemic.“Our colleges are committed to helping our 2.1 million students get through this crisis, and these measures are designed to ensure students are not” punished for events that are out of their control,” said Chancellor Eloy Ortiz Oakley, who noted that college districts throughout the state are converting face-to-face courses to online instruction.

The changes that are being made through executive order include:

  • Allowing students to retake any course attempted during the pandemic; colleges must disregard the previous grade when computing a GPA once the course has been completed.
  • Waiving the deadline – which had already passed – for selecting a pass or no pass option instead of a letter grade. Students should, however, be aware that the University of California and California State University systems require courses for a major to be completed with a letter grade.
  • “No pass” grades will not be considered in probation and dismissal procedures. Students intending to complete a course under the current situation, rather than withdraw, will not be negatively affected should they ultimately be unable to successfully complete the course.

In addition, local governing boards are authorized to extend their spring terms through June 30 as needed. A copy of the is available on the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office . The Chancellor’s Office has also taken the following actions to help students and aid in the statewide response to COVID-19:

  • Issued a separate earlier this week that suspends state and local regulations to ensure students are not penalized academically and will more easily be able to receive refunds for enrollment fees. Students who withdraw because of the current crisis will receive an excused withdrawal on their transcripts, which will not count against academic progress requirements. The order temporarily waives requirements for districts to obtain approval from the state Chancellor’s Office to refund enrollment fees to these students.
  • Purchased a virtual lab platform that supports a range of science-related disciplines. This is be the first purchase to support system-wide transition to virtual labs. All colleges will have access to the platform services, including expanded support and technical assistance for faculty.
  • Clarified for colleges how attendance reporting for purposes of funding will be calculated once in-person courses have been converted to online.
  • Created a of its website that includes answers to for students in English and Spanish. The Chancellor’s Office is also providing weekly webinars for college leaders on COVID-19 response.
  • Requested that the Board of Registered Nursing provide emergency exemptions reducing requirements of clinical hours for nursing students in direct patient care and allowing more simulated hours. This is needed because many health care facilities are excluding nursing students from clinical rotations because of safety concerns. More than 2,100 students in health and nursing have been affected at a time when professionals in these fields will be essential.
  • Inventoried college residential hall facilities that could be converted if needed as part of the statewide COVID-19 medical surge response as well as tallied stocks of ventilators, masks and other Personal Protection Equipment in allied health programs.

March 25, 2020 4:30 p.m.


Dear Californian,

I am reaching out to our California community college students with my warmest wishes for your health and wellness during these difficult times.

Our 115 colleges are working tirelessly to help you and your families get through this crisis, and they will play a critical role in our state's recovery. With all of us working together and following public health directives, we can help keep Californians healthy.

Let there be no doubt, the critical educational mission of California’s community colleges continues. Our colleges are converting in-person courses to online to provide you with the instruction you need to improve your lives and the lives of your families.

I want to thank you for all you are doing to support each other and to adjust to this new normal of online learning. We are focused on making it as easy as possible for you to stay enrolled and continue your education.

I realize that for many the switch to online learning is not an easy one. Switching to an online environment can seem confusing or overwhelming. Thankfully, your community colleges have a series of that can help prepare you for an online environment. You can watch them at your own pace, revisit them when needed, and be ready to learn online.

Your local college is reaching out with details about changes at each local institution. In addition, my office has produced a with answers to questions frequently asked by students. Visit the “students” section of this web page for guidance about financial aid, tips for online learning, ways to access broadband, and more.

While we are in a unique situation, your success is our top priority. I know that in addition to your educational goals, many of you are performing essential jobs that are helping to keep our state running during this crisis. Thank you!

This is a challenging situation, and we are asking everyone stay calm and follow public health guidance to maintain the safety of yourself and your family. Be well.


Eloy Ortiz Oakley

Contact: Christina Jimenez
Office E-mail: cjimenez@CCCCO.edu

SACRAMENTO, Calif. —California Community Colleges Chancellor Eloy Ortiz Oakley on Monday announced a series of actions, including through executive order, to help ensure that teaching and learning continues at all 115 community colleges and that students are not penalized academically or financially due to the COVID-19 crisis.

The Chancellor’s Office has provided the ability for all colleges to convert in-person classes to online. Many colleges have suspended classes temporarily and are using scheduled or rescheduled spring breaks to make this transition.

“Make no mistake, the educational mission of the California Community Colleges is critical to our state, and teaching and learning continues,” Oakley said. “Our colleges are converting in-person courses and labs to online to provide students with the instruction they need to improve their lives and the lives of their families. We continue to train first-responders needed to mobilize during this emergency.”

Recognizing that some students may be forced to withdraw due to the emergency, Oakley signed an that suspends state and local regulations to ensure students are not penalized academically and will more easily be able to receive refunds for enrollment fees.

Students who withdraw because of the current crisis will receive an excused withdrawal on their transcripts, which will not count against academic progress requirements. The order temporarily waives requirements for districts to obtain approval from the state Chancellor’s Office to refund enrollment fees to these students.

The Chancellor’s Office has also taken the following actions:

  • Moved to purchase a virtual lab platform that supports a range of science-related disciplines. This will be the first purchase to support system-wide transition to virtual labs. All colleges will have access to the platform services, including expanded support and technical assistance for faculty.
  • Clarified for colleges how attendance reporting for purposes of funding will be calculated once in-person courses have been converted to online.
  • Created a of its website that includes answers to for students. The Chancellor’s Office is also providing weekly webinars for college leaders on COVID-19 response.
  • Requested that the Board of Registered Nursing provide emergency exemptions reducing requirements of clinical hours for nursing students in direct patient care and allowing more simulated hours. This is needed because many health care facilities are excluding nursing students from clinical rotations because of safety concerns. More than 2,100 students in health and nursing have been affected at a time when professionals in these fields will be essential.
  • Inventoried college residential hall facilities that could be converted if needed as part of the statewide COVID-19 medical surge response as well as tallied stocks of ventilators, masks and other Personal Protection Equipment in allied health programs.

“Our colleges are responding with compassion and innovation,” Oakley said. “Many are finding ways to put computers into the hands of students who previously lacked them and continuing to provide food to students in need. Our students continue to inspire us, with many serving as essential workers, volunteers and conscientious neighbors to help California meet this moment.”

Additionally, the Chancellor's Office will partner with the Foundation for California Community Colleges as it launches a statewide emergency response campaign for students and their families impacted by the pandemic. The campaign aims to engage philanthropic foundations, corporate partners, and individual donors to address urgent needs so students have access to housing, food, technology, and other critical resources during this crisis.

Philanthropic and corporate partners, as well as those looking to make a major gift or grant, are encouraged to contact the Foundation at relief@foundationccc.org. Individual donations are also being accepted through the Foundation and will be deployed to individual colleges supporting students impacted by lost wages, campus closures, and the transition to distance education caused by COVID-19. Check for details on how to give now.

The California Community Colleges is the largest system of higher education in the nation, composed of 73 districts and 115 colleges serving 2.1 million students per year. California community colleges provide career education and workforce training; guaranteed transfer to four-year universities; degree and certificate pathways; and basic skills education in English and math. As the state’s engine for social and economic mobility, the California Community Colleges supports the , a strategic plan designed to improve student success outcomes, increase transfer rates and eliminate achievement gaps. For more information, please visit the or follow us on and .


Eloy Ortiz Oakley
Chancellor, California Community Colleges

District Office