ñ would like you to get to know the staff and facultywhocontribute their time, talent & education to the success of our students. We will regularly highlight employees across all four campuses, sharing their professional expertise, their educational path, and a few fun facts about them.

Athletic Director in the Intercollegiate Athletics, Kinesiology and Health Education Department at Moorpark College

What does that entail?

As the Athletic Director, I oversee 16 athletic teams and over 350 student athletes. Some of my responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring that student athletes are eligible to participate by meeting the guidelines set by the state.
  • Ensuring that we stay in compliance with the many rules and regulations for participation in sports.
  • Honoring the academic achievement of our student athletes, encouraging the importance of academics as the ticket to the future.
  • Representing the athletic department in the shared governance processes on campus i.e. academic senate, fiscal planning, and Student Equity and Achievement Committee (SEA).
  • Participating as a member of the Teaching Men of Color Advocates, Safe Zone Ally, and Dreamer Ally.
  • And I’m well-versed in areas of recruiting, transfer, game management…and the list goes on!
How long have you worked for the district?

I have had the opportunity to work at Moorpark College since August 3, 1981. I started on my 24th birthday, just after finishing my master’s degree. I was the college trainer, taking care of the health and safety needs of our student athletes.

My position also required me to be a liaison with the Student Health Center, responding to campus emergencies and evaluating students for orthopedic and acute and chronic musculoskeletal injuries. During this time, I was fortunate to develop and teach a variety of classes: Archery, First Aid and Personal Safety, Health and Society, and seminars on HIV, Smoking, and CPR.

Were you a student at one of the district’s colleges and if so which one? What was your major and your degree?

Unfortunately, I was not a ñ student. I attended California State University at Fullerton as a physical education major with an emphasis and certification in athletic training. After earning my bachelor’s, I went to the University of Arizona, where I earned my master’s in physical education with an additional certification in athletic training.

Are you from the area and if not where are you from?

I’m a California native who was born in Long Beach to a Navy father. My high school years were spent in Carlsbad, living at a boarding military school, Army and Navy Academy. Having

not lived at home for high school, I wanted to live at home, as my parents had moved to Anaheim, when I attended college.

Share something personal about yourself: (ex: pets, hobbies, what are you currently watching/listening to and why you enjoy it)

I married my high school sweetheart, as we met at 16 years of age. Sharon was from Carlsbad and is presently the coordinator of the Student Health Center at Moorpark College.

We have been married for 40 years and going strong as we prepare for our next journey, retirement. Together we have two beautiful daughters. Our oldest daughter went to Moorpark High School and then Northern Arizona University to play soccer. She is a physical therapist at Los Robles East Hospital.

Our youngest daughter went to Oaks Christian, Moorpark College and Cal State University, Channel Islands, so she could continue her passion for riding horses. In law school, she interned with the Innocence Project, which sparked her career as a public defender. She is currently working with the Santa Barbara Public Defender’s Office.

Personally, I am a granddaddy to two beautiful granddaughters, a dog lover, fish whisperer,

fly fisherman, and a lover of the outdoors. I also enjoy barbecuing and smoking different dishes. I like to travel abroad and in the United States.

What do you find rewarding about your job or career?

I like helping and encouraging students to follow their passions in sports and academics. It is always rewarding to have students return to say hello or drop you a line and update you on their accomplishments.

I enjoy working as a team with colleagues who share the same goal of “students first.” We are fortunate at Moorpark College to have such a team. Our support staff and coaches are ALL truly remarkable, which makes working enjoyable.

Two words to describe yourself:
Dedicated, humble
Do you do any volunteer work? If so, what?

Earlier in my career, I volunteered at the Olympic Training Center, Pan American Game, and 1984 Olympics as an athletic trainer. I have given numerous talks on athletic training, care, and prevention of injuries to various community agencies. I was part of a team that did drug testing for the United States Olympic Committee.

Presently, I am involved in state athletic committees, such as the California Community College (CCC) Athletic Association Management Council for Wrestling, CCC Athletic Directors Executive Board, and am past president of the Southern California Football Association – Northern Division.

Vance speaking at the gym reopening, 2020.
Vance and wife.
Vance barbecuing outside.

Vance in a canoe on a lake.
Vance and student athlete.

Vance and family at Army and Navy Academy.
Moorpark College
Employee Life