(CAMARILLO, Calif.) March 19, 2020 –
Susan Royer, college services supervisor at Ventura College, has been named the 2020 ñ Classified Employee of the Year. Royer will now be considered by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors for the statewide honor. This esteemed award honors California community college classified employees who demonstrate the highest level of commitment to the mission of community colleges, professional ethics and standards, and service to their college and community.

Fellow ñ Classified Employee of the Year nominees included Matthew Spinneberg, Moorpark College; Candice Wittkins, Oxnard College; and Christina (Tina) Quigley at the District Office.

“We are fortunate to have so many dedicated classified employees within our district who go above and beyond every day for our students,” said Board Chair Bernardo M. Perez. “It was difficult to narrow down the nominees. We are honored to have Susan represent the district at the state level.”

“Our district serves approximately 32,000 students each year. We couldn’t provide the high-quality, affordable education to our students without the talents and work of classified staff,” added Chancellor Greg Gillespie. “The district is proud to recognize these four nominees, as they are all exceptional in their service to the district.”

Royer is known for treating everyone with the utmost respect, care and collegiality. An 11-year district employee, Royer manages Ventura College’s Civic Center and is the face of the college when interacting with local businesses and the community. She also leads the college’s Emergency Operations Team training, ensuring that the campus is prepared for any natural or manmade disaster.

“Although her official title is college services supervisor, Susan can add chair, committee voting member, classified senator, safety standard bearer, districtwide leader and all-out collaborator to her everyday duties,” said Sebastian Szczebiot in her nomination. A sampling of her committee engagement includes Ventura College’s Guided Pathways Steering Committee, Graduation Committee and Accreditation Steering Advisory Group.

Spinneberg is an instructional assistant in the Assistive Tech Center, Disabled Students Programs & Services, at Moorpark College’s Educational Assistance Center (EAC). A five-year employee of the district, Spinneberg supports student equity by shining a light on the issues faced by students with disabilities, and then helping faculty and staff address these issues. Spinneberg demonstrates a strong work ethic in assisting employees at Moorpark College and sharing his expertise throughout the district by attending the District Distance Education Committee and helping with the Distance Education Summit each year. Spinneberg is also an accessibility consultant for the Central Coast Assistive Technology Center and gives presentations through the California Community Colleges Accessibility Center.

“Matthew is a walking advertisement for accessibility and he does it with such vigor and passion that it’s really difficult to not get on board,” said Laura Gentry, who nominated him.

Wittkins, who has been with the district 14 years, is a counseling assistant in the Educational Assistance Center/Disabled Student Programs & Services and an interpreter. She ensures that Oxnard College students who are from various cultural and socio-economic backgrounds are given access to education that supports their overall goals while in college. Not only does Wittkins coordinate interpreting services for deaf and hard-of-hearing students, she also works with students of varying abilities and ensures they receive the needed accommodations to succeed. Her colleagues say the rapport she builds with students is demonstrated through the number who return to the EAC for services semester after semester.

“Candice’s commitment to learning and developing skills outside of the work environment is a true testament to her desire to see these students succeed and matriculate,” said Shyan Diaz-Brown, who nominated Wittkins.

Quigley is a payroll technician whose commitment to serving each campus is exemplary, in both accounts payable and payroll. Quigley, a 10-year district employee, has filled in months at a time when there were vacancies in both accounts payable and payroll, sometimes splitting her time between both departments, while being available for questions in either department. She consistently steps up to volunteer for duties to improve the teams she works on, without reservation. Her colleagues comment that her kind and friendly manner make her very approachable regarding questions, training and opportunities to show staff how processes can run more smoothly.

“Tina’s example of continuous improvement, positive attitude and exemplary customer service make her one of our most valued employees,” noted Elizabeth Thompson on the nomination application.

“Much of the amazing and foundational work that classified professionals carry out happens behind the scenes—and for this reason it often goes unnoticed. This is why this award is so important and meaningful,” said the classified senate presidents at Moorpark, Oxnard and Ventura colleges. “It allows us to recognize our students’ champions outside of the classroom and behind the scenes!”

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The ñ is a member of the 115-campus California Community College system, and serves more than 32,000 students annually. The District’s three colleges–Moorpark, Oxnard, and Ventura–offer programs in general education for degrees and certificates, transfer to four-year colleges and universities, career technical education, and provide opportunities to engage in co-curricular campus activities.


Press Release
District Office