Total Budget: $13.58 Million

  • Telephone/Data
  • Electrical
  • Sewer/Storm Drainage/Gas
  • Replace Campus Site Finishes


  • Bond Measure S (Ex. B #42)

Schedule for all Systems:

  • Design: 2005-2006 (Completed)
  • Construction: 04/2007聽 (Completed)
Photo of trenches during infrastructure work

Project Objectives & Notable Features:

  • Telephone & data switch: Provides College's pro-rata share of funding for new District switch and expansion and improvements to campus telecommunications/information center;
  • Electrical upgrades will be completed by February 2005;
  • Domestic water and fire systems will be connected to the public (City of Oxnard) system which will provide full maintenance;
  • Sewer, water, and gas systems will start construction Spring 2006 pending City of Oxnard approval, fees, and permits.
  • Major landscape/paving, hardscape work to be done after sewer/water/gas project is complete.