The voters of Ventura County passed Measure S in 2002. Measure S authorized the District Board of Trustees to issue bonds totaling $356.3 million for repairs and construction of facilities on the three community college campuses and the Camarillo property.

Bond Measure S funding provided an opportunity to update and revise the capital planning of the three colleges to better coordinate with their individual academic master plans. This change in capital planning necessitated significant work to meet the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, which will result in comprehensive Environmental Impact Reports for the different sites. Simultaneously, the District embarked upon a program of repair and maintenance projects within the context of the Bond program, most of which have been completed or are in their final stages. The remaining projects are now being undertaken by the District and are either completed, in design or under construction. Unfortunately, since the passage of Bond Measure S, the construction industry has experienced significant cost escalation. This has resulted in the Board of Trustees requiring individual campus projects set up in a priority format. Such a priority has, by necessity, eliminated or delayed some projects.

Camarillo Site :: Moorpark College ::Ìý Oxnard College ::ÌýVentura College