Project Budgets:

  • 7 Acre Site Development
  • $4 Million Project Costs (Including retention basin and associated landscaping)


  • Bond Measure S (Ex. B #37)

Current Schedule:

  • Master Plan: 04/2003Ìý (Completed)
  • Design: 12/2003Ìý (Completed)
  • DSA Review: 12/2003Ìý (Completed)
  • Bid/Award: 5/2004 (Completed)
  • Construction: 12/2004 (Completed)
  • Landscaping: 07/2005 (Completed)


  • International Parking Design, Inc.
Photo of new North Parking Lot
Photo of alternate view of new North Parking Lot

Project Objectives & Notable Features:

  • New, safe, surface parking for more than 1,000 automobiles;
  • Shared-use lot with City of Oxnard's College Park, Strawberry Festival, and Farmers' Market, which provides additional funding to support educational programs;
  • Installed and buried a new rain-water drainage pipe from the new parking lot to an open 2 acre landscaped retention basin as part of a campus-wide rainwater drainage system;
  • Begins the north section of the "Avenida de Las Palmas" or "Palm Walk" to link the new north campus area with the original south campus area.

Implementation Strategy/Status: