Project Budget: Student Services Ctr.

  • 30,000 GSF: New Student Services Center
  • 7,800 GSF: New Food Services Center
  • 116,000 SF Site Development
  • $26.3 Million Project Budget (Student Services.)


  • Bond Measure S (Ex. B #32)

Schedule: Student Services Ctr.

  • Programming/Planning: 02/2005 - 09/2005 (Completed)
  • Design: 11/2005 (Completed)
  • DSA Review: 11/2005 - 09/2006 (Completed)
  • Bid/Award: 09/2006 - 11/2006 (Completed)
  • Construction: 07/2007- 07/2009 (Completed)


  • Nadel Architects

Project Objectives & Notable Features:

  • Consolidates student administrative services into a one-stop center, including Admissions, Assessment, Business Office, Campus Administration, Disabled Students, Matriculation, Student Health, and Transfer Center;
  • Provides new food service facility, expandable from 150 to 300 seating capacity to handle special events;
  • Expands Bookstore in place to serve the growing student population*;
  • Continues the "Avenida de Las Palmas" or "Palm Walk" which was initiated by the Parking Lot project to link the new north campus area with the original south campus area.
  • Provides College Administration Offices

Student Services Center

* Project Budget: Bookstore Expansion

  • 7,600 GSF
  • $2 Million Project Budget


  • Bond Measure S

Schedule: Bookstore Expansion

  • Construction documents have been completed. Further project development has been put on hold until new locations are found for the adjacent Campus Copy Center and Student Business Services Center.