

Apply for a ÂÌñÉç Faculty/Staff Diversity Mini-Grant


This program provides financial assistance for new, innovative projects, workshops, and activities that strengthen excellence in diversity and inclusion.

Applications may be submitted by any current faculty or staff member. Awards can be as much as $1000. Applications are submitted to the Office of the Vice Chancellor, Human Resources.

The Vice Chancellor of Human Resources leads the ÂÌñÉç EEO Advisory Committee. The committee will review applications and make recommendations during the Fall and Spring semesters. The committee will make its recommendations to the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources for final approval. Members of the committee are not eligible to apply for the grants. Applicants are encouraged to submit applications well in advance of the proposed starting date.

Applications will be reviewed on the following criteria. It is the applicant’s responsibility to write a convincing application with supporting arguments and evidence. Please use the accompanying scoring rubric as a guide.

  • The proposed event or project should have a strong conceptual framework that can be identified as strengthening ÂÌñÉç’s long-term commitment to diversity and inclusion. The event or project should be consistent with the mission and core values of the ÂÌñÉç as expressed in the District or College Strategic Plan.
  • The proposed project or event team should include at least three individuals, including team leader, as evidence of the project or event’s broad applicability.
  • The proposed event or project should be clearly defined with easily identified starting and ending points and specific activities.
  • The proposed event or project should have specific goals, and measurable outcomes.
  • The proposed event or project should have a plan for assessing learning.
  • The proposed event or project should have a broad impact upon the college community or target a historically under-represented or under-served group at the college. Grant applicants are encouraged to seek broad visibility for the event or project.
  • The proposed event or project must be open to all students, faculty, and staff at ÂÌñÉç and cannot be limited to in-class presentations.
  • A final report is required and it will appear on the EEO/Diversity Committee website. That report is due no later than three months after the funded activity. Failure to submit a final report will disqualify applicants from receiving future Faculty and Staff Diversity Mini- Grants.
  • Grant funds may not be used for food, beverages, salaries or stipends for ÂÌñÉç employees, or employee travel.

Review of applications will continue contingent on available funds. At the committee’s discretion, applicants may be asked to participate in a brief interview to better explain their proposal.

Successful applicants are expected to mention that the event/project was funded by a Faculty/Staff Diversity Mini-Grant.

Mini-grants can be used for many purposes, including but not limited to the following:

  • Guest speakers on a diversity topic.
  • Special program(s) intended to increase respect for diversity and individual differences.
  • Equipment or other material items used to support under-represented or under-served groups.
  • Projects to enhance and support the recruitment, retention, and development of a diverse full-time faculty and staff.
  • Events that expand the inclusion of issues related to race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes, religious or ethical values system, national origin, and political beliefs.

For complete program information, see the brochure and program plan document.
