Connections Overview:

The Connections feature provides users with the option to connect with other users at 绿帽社. Specifically, users can view Events attended by other users. A user's Connections' activity will appear in the user's Activity feed. Making connections to other users in the My绿帽社 portal is dependent on user profile settings. By default, all user accounts are set with the most restrictive privacy settings. This means you will only be able to search for and connect with other users if they have modified their own privacy settings to be more visible.

Connections Capabilities:

  • Connections can be added and removed.
  • Connections requests can be canceled.
  • Connections can be prohibited by blocking a user.
  • My Connections view displays individuals with whom a user is connected, connection requests that have been sent and received, and suggested Connections.

View My Connections:

User Options > My Connections

1. Click on User Options.

2. Select My Connections.

Pathify Connections

3. Select the Connections tab to view: My Connections, Received, Sent, and Suggestions.

Pathify Connections, My Connections

Edit Connections:

User Options > My Connections

1. Click on User Options.

2. Select My Connections.

Pathify Connections

3. Select the Connections tab.

4. Select My Connections to view individuals with whom a user is connected.

5. Click the ellipsis icon to Disconnect from a Connection.

Pathify Connections

6. Click the Message button to message your Connection.

Pathify Connections, Message

7. Select Received to view and Accept or Ignore pending Connection requests.

Pathify Connections, Received

8. Select Sent to view individuals to whom a user has requested a Connection.

9. Click Cancel Request to cancel a Connection request sent to that user.

Pathify Connections, Sent

10. Select Suggestions to view individuals with whom a user may wish to connect based on profile commonalities.

11. Click Connect to connect with that user or Hide to dismiss this Suggestion.

Pathify Connections, Suggestions

Add a Connection:

Add a Connection through Suggestions:

User Options > My Connections > Suggestions

1. Click on User Options.

2. Select My Connections.

Pathify Connections

3. Click the Connections tab.

4. Select Suggestions to find a list of users with whom to connect based on profile commonalities.

5. Click Connect to connect with a user.

Connections, Connect with Search

Add a Connection through Search:

Search bar > "User"

1. Click in the Search bar at the top of the screen.

2. Type the name of the user. Matches will appear below the Search bar.

3. Click on the User Name.

Connections, Connect with Suggestions

4. Select Connect in the upper right-hand corner of the user's profile.

Connections, User Profile

Add a Connection through Discover:

Global Menu > Discover > People

1. Select Discover in the Global Menu.

Connections, Connect with Discover

2. Click on the People tab.

Connections, Discover People

3. Select Connect to connect with a user.

Connections, Select Connect

Cancel a Connection Request:

"User" profile > Cancel Request

1. Navigate to the specific user's profile.

2. Click Cancel Request in the upper right-hand corner of the user's profile.

Connections, User Profile Cancel Request

3. Select Yes, Cancel Request.

Connections, Confirm Cancel Request

4. Confirmation of the cancelled Connection request will appear in the lower left-hand corner.

Connections, Cancel Confirmed

Remove a Connection:

User Options > My Connections > Connections

1. Click on User Options.

2. Select My Connections.

Pathify Connections

3. Find the User with whom to disconnect.

4. Click on the ellipsis icon.

5. Select Disconnect.

Connections, Disconnect

6. Select Yes, Disconnect.

Connections, Disconnect Confirmation

Block a User:

"User" > Block User

1. Navigate to the specific user's profile.

Connections, Block User

2. Click Block User in the lower right-hand corner.

Connections, Block User Dialog

3. Select Block.

Connections, Seelct Block

4. Confirmation of the Block will appear in the lower left-hand corner.

Connections, Block Confirmation

The Blocked User will not be notified that they have been blocked.

Unblock a User:

"User" > Unblock User

1. Navigate to the specific user's profile.

Connections, Unblock User Profile

2. Click Unblock in the lower right-hand corner.

Connections, Unblock

3. Select Unblock.

Connections, Unblock Dialog

4. Confirmation of the Unblock will appear in the lower left-hand corner.

Connections, Unblock Confirmation