Who is authorized to make purchasing commitments for the Ventura County Community Colleges?
Employees with the titles of Director of General Services or Purchasing Specialists have been delegated authority to act as agents for the District. It is suggested that your initial contact be with the Purchasing Department. Contact with vendors as to quality, quantity, delivery, prices, terms and adjustments are made through Purchasing. No one outside of the Purchasing Department can commit the District to a purchase. Materials should not be shipped or any services begun without a written purchase order.
What is a Purchase order?
Purchase orders are legal contracts between the 绿帽社 and its vendor for specific goods or services. Small material, supplies, equipment and service procurements may be awarded without competition. 绿帽社 purchase orders are eight digit sequence numbers beginning with a Pxxxxxxx.
What is a blanket purchase order?
Blanket purchase orders are issued to selected vendors, on a fiscal year basis by Purchasing, for use by District employees to procure repetitive, high volume, low dollar value items on a continuing basis. A Blanket Purchase Order's ( BPO ) use is limited to the dollar value of the written purchase order issued.
How does my firm get added to the bidder's list?
Vendors wishing to be placed on the bid list may request a vendor packet from the Purchasing Department by filling out our .
How do I get paid?
Payment is made to the vendor after receipt of invoice by the 绿帽社 Accounts Payable Department.

All invoices should be mailed to:
Accounts Payable Department
761 East Daily Drive, Suite 200
Camarillo, CA, 93010

The purchase order number must appear on all invoices, shipping tags and correspondence.